Angela Chavez
Statewide Leaders and Advocates Call on Californians to Vote “NO” on the September 14 Recall
California leaders share what is at stake for our communities, state, and nation – should the unnecessary recall of Governor Newsom succeed
WATCH: No to the Recall, Yes to Progress
Los Angeles, Calif., July 23, 2021 – Yesterday, California advocacy leaders from Courage California, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) Action, Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE) Action Fund, Communities for a New California (CNC) Action Fund, California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV), Inland Region Equality Network (IREN), and Women Against the Recall (WAR) spoke at a virtual press conference on what is at stake for our communities, state, and nation – should Governor Gavin Newsom be recalled in the September 14 recall election.
The leaders -- spanning multiple issue areas and regions throughout the state -- explained that a recall of Gov. Newsom would have lasting negative consequences in California’s diverse communities. They spoke to how Gov. Newsom has shown up for Californians on important legislation, and how progress would be interrupted and thwarted should the recall succeed and a Republican take his place.
During the July 22 press call, statewide leaders pushed back against the pro-recall agenda and the recall campaign’s disinformation efforts, and shared what Californians must do to stop the wasteful and troubling power-grab by right-wing forces.
Courage California: Irene Kao, Executive Director
“Californians need single-payer healthcare. We need free and accessible public education. We need clean water and air. We need a just transition to clean energy and a supported workforce. We need affordable and guaranteed housing. We need expanded and unconditional protections and services for undocumented immigrants. We need restorative justice. We need reparations and repatriation of land to Indigenous communities. We need equity, justice, and accountability,” said Irene Kao, Courage California. “This can only be possible with Governor Newsom in office. He led and signed an incredible budget this year, and the impact of this recall can be understood immediately in the fact that this special election will cost us all $276 million – $276 million at a time when we could have dedicated that level of investment to the pressing needs and priorities that exist in our communities.”
Women Against the Recall (WAR): Aimee Allison, Founder and President of She the People
“[Newsom] has the power to appoint key seats, and we want him to continue to be in that powerful position to appoint the next Senator in California, should that opportunity arise. If a Senate seat were to become vacant under a Republican Governor it would spell the end of the Democratic Senate majority with disastrous effects to women and families here in California and everywhere,” said Aimee Allison, Women Against the Recall. “The women of this state, the women of color in this state simply will not allow this cynical and opportunistic political attack to succeed. Right-wing Republicans' rule created chaos and threats to our health and safety, our economy and democracy over the past years, and we do not want that for California. We are going to work to defeat that. California needs stability. We need continuity to deal with the COVID pandemic and economic recovery.”
Communities for a New California (CNC) Action Fund: Pablo Rodriguez, Executive Director
“Earlier this week Governor Newsom was in Traver, California in Tulare County and Governor Newsom signed a six billion dollar multi-year investment aimed at giving every Californian access to affordable, high speed internet. The signing was at Traver elementary school, which represents what many other students face across California as we went to distance learning, as a result of the pandemic. With the rise of the delta variant, we see that this is going to continue to be an issue and investment must continue to be made [for distant learning]” said Pablo Rodriguez, CNC. “At the beginning of his administration, Governor Newsom worked with organizations such as the Community Water Center in the Central Valley and signed the Safe Affordable Drinking Water Fund. And what we know is, when fully implemented, the Safe Affordable Drinking Water Fund will mean freedom from fear for Californians turning on their taps for water to drink, to bathe in, to cook, to make baby formula. This sustainable funding will make life-changing differences for California communities facing high costs and serious health risks from contaminated water… We cannot go backwards and I encourage all Californians to focus on the progress and reject the recall.”
California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV): Matt Abularach-Macias, Campaigns and Organizing Manager
“Governor Gavin Newsom’s agenda, we know, is widely popular amongst most Californians. And, unfortunately, the potential consequences of a recall would be incredibly harmful to us all,” said Matt Abularach-Macias, CLCV. “On the environment, Governor Newsom has been fulfilling California’s values and working toward protecting us all from the most harmful effects from the climate crisis. And on LGBT+ rights and inclusion, Governor Newsom has been a strong ally for our community. We know his history with marriage equality, and he’s also done a lot to expand access to life-saving HIV prevention medication and protect transgender Californians from discrimination. If the recall passes, any other leader would push against an agenda that is pro-environment, pro-LGBT+, which is out of touch with California’s values.”
Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE) Action Fund: Zulema Aleman, Community Organizing Director
“Governor Newsom allocated funding to launch the massive statewide COVID-19 worker outreach program, executed by the California labor workforce development agency. This innovative effort has provided funding for community-based organizations like CAUSE Action to do direct outreach with farmworkers and other vulnerable workers related to COVID-19 safety, vaccines, access to sick time through SB 95, and protection from retaliation,” said Zulema Aleman, CAUSE Action. “I've personally seen how this program has allowed our team and partner organizations to do the necessary work, to protect our community's health -- in particular, the undocumented immigrants and Indigenous migrants who often speak limited Spanish and need tailored resources and education in Indigenous languages.
We ask Californians to recognize the critical role that Governor Newsom has played in supporting immigrant workers, the backbone of our state. Vote no on the recall, so we can keep our progress and keep roaring back.”
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) Action: Juan Cesar Rubalcava, Civic Engagement Coordinator
“The pandemic hit and exacerbated the existing housing crisis. All of a sudden, people lost jobs, lost income, got their hours cut through no fault of their own. Meanwhile, the rent has still been due month after month after month – 15 months and counting, and we're still not fully recovered. The working class don't have full participation in an economic recovery, don't have their jobs back, their hours back. From the very beginning, we [ACCE] were calling for rent cancellation, pushing the state in the bold, necessary direction we knew was needed for survival… After a sustained campaign, we got Governor Newsom to propose one hundred percent rent forgiveness for tenants. And that's the thing, we can fight to win major victories with Newsom, but Republicans opposed the rent forgiveness,” said Juan Cesar Rubalcava, ACCE Action. “A Republican governor would not only oppose our agenda. They would undo decades of progress… That's why ACCE members are saying no to the recall and yes, to progress. Yes to tenants rights. Yes, to homeowner rights. Yes, to keeping families housed.”
Californians cannot afford to minimize or ignore the recall election. Recent polls show Governor Gavin Newsom losing support, and also point to a voter “enthusiasm gap,” with recall supporters being more engaged and motivated to vote in the recall.
The recall is a real threat to progress in the state, so it is important for all California voters to make their voices heard and vote on September 14. Voting No on the recall will keep us on a pathway to progress and protect the state’s diverse communities. Vote-by-mail ballots will be sent out on August 16, 2021.
Courage California works to unite communities organizing for progressive change, fight the forces of corruption, and hold our representatives to account in order to ensure that California’s elected officials act with courage. Our community of members envision California as a model of progressive, equitable, and truly representative democracy that sets the standard for our country.