About this event
Communities for a New California and Walk the Walk USA have teamed up together in our first ever joint phonebank program. Members of the Walk the Walk community across the country are rallying behind Californians in solidarity - joining in the unified effort to reach as many voters by phone as possible in CA-13.
“In November 2022, just 564 votes separated the candidates in California’s 13th Congressional District, a purple stretch of San Joaquin Valley farmland. Rep. John Duarte, R-Modesto, won what turned out to be the second-closest House race in the United States over former Assemblyman Adam Gray, D-Merced. Both are running again, as the only candidates in the March 5 primary, and Democrats are making the seat one of their highest priorities in the nation to flip.” - Fresno Bee, March 5, 2024
Please join the zoom by computer at 1pm (PST) and have your phone charged and ready to go! We hold in-depth tech and script training every phone bank starting at 1pm sharp! Plan to stay the full 1-3pm shift so that we can reach as many people as possible, and debrief as a whole group at 2:45pm.